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Chai Neighbors' mission is to help our members live well within a community of friends, while fostering caring and Jewish values

Membership Information

Chai Neighbors Membership is $50.00 for 12 months for all who are 55+ and currently a member of Adat Ari El or Temple Beth Hillel. Click Here. To become a member of Adat Ari El, Click Here and for Temple Beth Hillel, Click Here. If you are a member of another congregation or senior village, dues are $75.00 and Click Here to join Chai Neighbors. A second household member may join for an additional $25.00

Dead Sea Schrolls

Join Rabbi Brian Schuldenfrei and Dead Sea Scroll experts, Greg Bearman and Sheila Spiro for a preview of the Ronald Reagan exhibit.
Adat Ari El
February 22nd
~ 1:00 PM

Upcoming Events
Upcoming Events
2022-01-11 Limekiln Canyon

Commit to some exercise
This is an opportunity to walk every Tuesday. The length and challenge vary so check the calendar for a description and location.